Category: #covid

  • Digital Transformation

    Digital Transformation

    For the last few months, our co-operative We Are Open has been helping a number of organisations with digital transformation in a time of crisis. You can read more about the work we’ve done with Action West London as they respond to their charity’s new circumstances.

  • Skills for the New Normal

    Skills for the New Normal

    I know, I know – a million Zoom meetings draining the marrow out of life, right? Anyway, here’s a free & open email course crafted by the We Are Open Co-op to teach you things you already know (or do you?) about successful online video meetings: 7 Habits of Highly Successful Virtual Meetings

  • Bob…


    It is quite possible that the next ten illustrations posted on this visual blog could hold the title the new normal. Yet not even I (!) can tell you what the new normal looks like. Video meeting participants talking enthusiastically whilst on mute is definitely nothing new, there’s just a whole bunch more people at…

  • The Grieving process

    The Grieving process

    I’ve had a few low-energy days over the last few weeks, that’s for sure. It feels like I’m making progress though, and actually finding bread flour for sale in a shop will absolutely make everything ok again, won’t it? <denial>

  • The new normal

    The new normal

    Nothing has changed, yet everything has changed. Work is quiet. I’m spending time with my family. We had a BBQ last night. I have a list of things to do. Some of them are even getting done. Nothing has changed, yet everything has changed.

  • When * hits the fan

    When * hits the fan

    ( * ) Coronavirus that is… I don’t know about you, but I’m in the middle of my most productive unproductive spells ever. Whilst my Visual Thinkery work has all but dried up as the world tries to get back on an even keel, I’m knee-deep in the list of those other things I’ve put…

  • I can’t get no…

    I can’t get no…

    When I’m watchin’ my TVAnd a man comes on to tell meHow clean my hands could be… Hey, hey hey…

  • It’s not all about you…

    It’s not all about you…

    …because it’s pretty hard to retrospectively change who you came into contact with five days ago. So let’s look out for each other.

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