Category: #comic

  • Insight, in sight, incite!

    Insight, in sight, incite!

    I was reminded this week whilst running a Visual Storytelling workshop with a group of Social Entrepreneurs in Lewisham, the power of insight. We all stand in a different place and see the world through our lens of previous experiences. What you see is all there is. It’s impossible to reach conclusions based on things…

  • First Principles

    First Principles

    Nothing’s ever fair, is it? If you’d like to wilfully lose 13 minutes of your busy life, you could watch this video on what makes a fair dice. What are the chances that you make it all the way to the end? Less than 1 in 6, I’d say…

  • 19 Alternative Anniversaries

    19 Alternative Anniversaries

    We’re married 19 years – what is that? Nearly Sapphire? Stainless Steel? Blotting paper? This year, instead of writing me a card to mark our 19th wedding anniversary, my wife thought it would be a good idea to come up with a list of alternative anniversaries. So, over a shared plate of restaurant nachos, we…

  • Blues Brother, Soul Sister

    Blues Brother, Soul Sister

    As my head hasn’t really returned from holidays yet, the rest of me is very susceptible to falling down a rabbit hole on the interwebs… Internet > Twitter > Aretha Franklin > The awesome “Think” scene from The Blues Brothers movie >  The full movie on Netflix … Truth be told though, Aretha Franklin has…

  • Problematic Portraits

    Problematic Portraits

    It seems that practically the whole of the known internet (more than 5 people) is busy doodling portraits of Colin Madland, who has very graciously offered up his face to artists for the purposes of visual experimentation, and thus inspired this comic strip. I try to stay away from portraits, as it has often led…

  • Adventures in Blockchain!

    Adventures in Blockchain!

    Anywhere there’s innovation being touted, good ol’ Blockchain won’t be far away. There’s no end to the possible adventurin’. Embrace the future!

  • SATs – they don’t tell you.

    SATs – they don’t tell you.

    Meaningless, meaningless all is meaningless… …and mildly oppressive. Does a filter bubble exist where everyone in it thinks SATs are actually a good idea, and I’m just not part of it?

  • The early bird…

    The early bird…

    Mixed metaphor? Yes please, especially if it’s silly. Is there NOTHING a three-panelled comic strip can’t convey? Inspired by this tweet here about OER18.      

  • The Principles of Makery

    The Principles of Makery

    As I thought about the making process behind my Raspberry Pi being installed as protector of my shed from overheating, I found myself wondering (as I do) about the principles of Makery. Here are three that came to mind in the building of this project. If you think of others, let me know…

  • Data: it’s personal

    Data: it’s personal

    Meaningless, meaningless, all is meaningless! It’s just 1’s and 0’s after all… Unless, that is, I can get some insight from your habits, or predict what you might do (or want) next. You are part of a herd after all… This thought came from a thinkery conversation with the API Evangelist, Kin Lane.  

  • A co-operative state of mind

    A co-operative state of mind

    When a friend of mine asked if I’d be interested in forming a Co-op, I had to admit, I’d never considered it as a viable vehicle for business. Having come to the conclusion that there was no reason not to be a part of the adventure, I jumped in. I’d come across co-ops briefly having…

  • Post hoc ergo propter hoc

    Post hoc ergo propter hoc

    Once introduced to some amateur psychology, there’s no turning back. We seem to be wired to draw causative connections between events, but this shortcut is easier said than spotted. Post hoc ergo propter hoc is Latin-ish for “After this, therefore because of this” and forms the basis of all superstition. For a better explanation:

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