Category: #maker

  • Rabbit Hole Learning

    Rabbit Hole Learning

    “As it turns out, the answer is not that simple. You see, Sir Professor Isaac of Newton was so clever, he was born in BOTH 1642 and 1643…” Taken from the current issue of the Visual Thinker. You can subscribe here.

  • Ama-Zine Prompts

    Ama-Zine Prompts

    Amy Burvall and myself thoroughly enjoyed delivering a hands-on Zine-making workshop at OER19 in Galway earlier this month. It was so good to be back in the motherland. But the trouble with a workshop of this nature is that most people are a little uncomfortable when faced with a blank piece of paper. So, in our…

  • Smiley Card

    Smiley Card

    It’s become a bit of a tradition in our house to make each other cards for our birthdays. The Paper53 app for the ipad – my goto drawing app – is very handy for this sort of spontaneous creation. Draw something every day – especially if it’s silly…

  • Shed – ideas worth making…

    Shed – ideas worth making…

    And so it was that we chanced upon the very spirit of makery captured forever in this conversation…

  • The Principles of Makery

    The Principles of Makery

    As I thought about the making process behind my Raspberry Pi being installed as protector of my shed from overheating, I found myself wondering (as I do) about the principles of Makery. Here are three that came to mind in the building of this project. If you think of others, let me know…

  • Raspberry Pi – protector of the shed…

    Raspberry Pi – protector of the shed…

    SOMEONE left the heater on in my shed. You can read all about it here in the most recent dollop of thinkery to your inbox.

  • Don’t touch the wire

    Don’t touch the wire

    I’m helping to run the code club at my kids primary school. Kids being kids, and adults being bombarded with ideas, it wasn’t too long before we had decided to build a “Don’t touch the wire” micro:bit based game for the school fayre.

  • An engineering state of mind

    An engineering state of mind

    When I was at University, the word “engineer” had some odd connotations in my head. Geeky, sterile, boring. It seemed so theoretical, so mathematical. I thought that engineers became engineers by doing an engineering degree at University.

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