Category: #graphic-recording

  • Graphic Recording – it’s magic!

    Graphic Recording – it’s magic!

    A quick guide to graphic recording, and the fact that it’s not actually magic, which you can read about in this Visual Thinkery blog post.

  • Whose Knowledge?

    Whose Knowledge?

    The lovely thing about Mozfest, is that you can rock up to a session, already in mid-flow, and learn new things from wonderful people. In fact, I think it’s the only way to do Mozfest; the best sessions are those you chance upon, that expose you to new worlds, and new people. Here’s a visual…

  • Privacy in Sub-Saharan Africa

    Privacy in Sub-Saharan Africa

    Business behaviour around use and exploitation of people’s data, is dictated by the local privacy law (or lack thereof). Julie Owono was speaking at Mozfest on research into sub-saharan subsidiaries of European telecoms companies. It’s no surprise really – capitalism is about capital, so everything is a possible resource waiting to be exploited.

  • Data in Oppressive Regimes

    Data in Oppressive Regimes

    At Mozfest, I participated in a discussion on the use (monitoring / controlling / blocking) of data in oppressive regimes. Hearing the issues first hand from those who live there was horrifying. I realised how much I was completely unaware of. One clear call was the need for financially supporting homegrown communication platforms, as opposed…

  • Moodlenet user testing

    Moodlenet user testing

    I’ve been participating in a Moodlenet design sprint (based on this process) all week facilitated by the wonderful people at Outlandish. It was lovely to be on the facilitated side for once, allowing me to focus on the visualisation of concepts. By day 3 we had collaboratively turned our words into wireframes and hacked together…

  • Pedagogies of Disruption as Resistance

    Pedagogies of Disruption as Resistance

    Listening to Momodou Sallah’s keynote at OER18 instantly transported me back to my days living and working in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. I found myself deeply resonating with his desire for change and his willingness to be a part of it. Social Entrepreneurship; Confronting the poverty of imagination; The Empire narrative; The missing Southern voices. I found…

  • What Open means for H.E.

    What Open means for H.E.

    I thoroughly enjoyed the opening keynote by Bonnie Stewart at the recent ALT conference, entitled The new norm(al): Confronting what Open means for H.E. Here’s my sketchnote.      

  • Co-ops & Commons

    Co-ops & Commons

    One of the highlights of Mozfest this year was the privilege of being able to sit in (with my sketchbook) on a conversation between Ryan Merkley, CEO of Creative Commons, and John Bevan from the We Are Open Coop. They explored the commonalities and parallels that exist in the worlds of Co-ops and Commons.

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