Category: #apprenticeship

  • Education & Work

    Education & Work

    This is an idea I created a few years ago using the Visual Thinkery process with Educators.Coop and their collaborators focusing on the world of work.

  • An engineering state of mind

    An engineering state of mind

    When I was at University, the word “engineer” had some odd connotations in my head. Geeky, sterile, boring. It seemed so theoretical, so mathematical. I thought that engineers became engineers by doing an engineering degree at University.

  • Digital DNA – women in tech

    Digital DNA – women in tech

    The recent Digital Leaders conference was entitled “Building Digital DNA”. Jacqueline de Rojas (VP at Citrix) spoke about women in tech (or the lack thereof). I was thoroughly impressed with some female students I met a few weeks ago whilst doing some visual thinkery for UCL Academy. They had no problem seeing themselves as future engineers. Sure enough, looking…

  • TechBac


    I really enjoy trying to find visual metaphors for abstract concepts. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, its a bridge of course – to a profession. TechBac…

  • The Skills Gap

    The Skills Gap

    The UK has a growing skills gap. There are predicted to be over 14 million skills shortages by 2020. Created for City & Guilds.

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