Category: #ETAG

  • Adopt Technology in Education?

    Adopt Technology in Education?

    Is it really a choice? I don’t think so. How you adopt technology in education? Well, that’s quite another thing…

  • Open Badges (P.S. there’s data inside…)

    Open Badges (P.S. there’s data inside…)

    Open Badges seem so simple, don’t they? But wait – don’t make assumptions – ask questions! They’ve got stuff inside. Data. Authenticated data. But the big news? – you can take them with you because they’re built on an open standard. They can be connected together to form a learning pathway. The data structure inside the…

  • The ETAG challenge

    The ETAG challenge

    This image was the result of the inception meeting of the Education Technology Action Group (ETAG), with Michael Gove and Matt Hancock setting the scene.

  • Online learning is an entitlement

    Online learning is an entitlement

    This image was produced for Education Technology Action Group ETAG report ( and shared at the BETT show in London.

  • What if assessment was designed around me?

    What if assessment was designed around me?

    This image was produced for Education Technology Action Group ETAG report ( and shared at the BETT show in London.

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