Category: #creativecommons

  • CC attribution

    CC attribution

    This thinkery about Creative Commons attribution might feel mildly annoying, but when it comes to attributing an author or creator for something you get to use for free, I think it’s worth the secret upgrade…

  • CC & Me

    CC & Me

    I love the idea of the Creative Commons, and the more I create the more of a Commoner I become. One aspect of CC licensing that’s always bothered me is the icons themselves.

  • Copyright vs. Creative Commons

    Copyright vs. Creative Commons

    Copyright and Creative Commons licences come from totally different directions. I was talking with Kamil from Creative Commons about certificates and knowledge, and this contrast emerged. Read his full post here…

  • Co-ops & Commons

    Co-ops & Commons

    One of the highlights of Mozfest this year was the privilege of being able to sit in (with my sketchbook) on a conversation between Ryan Merkley, CEO of Creative Commons, and John Bevan from the We Are Open Coop. They explored the commonalities and parallels that exist in the worlds of Co-ops and Commons.

  • The Gratitude Cycle

    The Gratitude Cycle

    Gratitude fuels sharing. A bit of conversational thinkery for Creative Commons from this blog post by Paul Stacey.

  • Fruit of the Commons

    Fruit of the Commons

    Before I started drawing, I was only remotely aware of Creative Commons – if at all. I remember coming across it a few years ago. Ah! Some people have taken a complicated thing and boiled it down so that people can use my stuff in an appropriate way? For free? Creative Commons is now central to…

  • Creative Commons – which role do you play?

    Creative Commons – which role do you play?

    In my experience, the awareness of what exactly the Creative Commons is, and what rights it affords you with respect to other people’s creative works, is at best patchy. During a conversational thinkery session with Alan Levine, we started to think through some of the roles people can play. I could give examples of all…

  • That creative commons feeling…

    That creative commons feeling…

    People sharing insights from their sweet-spots of expertise wrapped in Creative Commons licensing shared socially — surely that would be beneficial for all of us? It certainly feels great!

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