Category: #innovation

  • An umbrella of experiments

    An umbrella of experiments

    A friend challenged me this week on where my newsletter was going. Admittedly, I have no idea. It was meant to be an experiment, though — an umbrella for experiments, if you will…

  • Diffusion of Innovation

    Diffusion of Innovation

    Aha! So it’s not just me… When I first saw this, it face-slapped me like an un-hinged double hi-five. At the time, I was pitching an e-portfolio solution to different training organisations, which was really quite hit and miss. After a while, I realised the product I was selling was actually “Change” – and that…

  • The Binary Decision

    The Binary Decision

    I’m now in the habit of carrying around a sketchbook and scribbling down a thought as it jumps around in my brain. I’ve recently noticed that being creative requires a lot of noticing (notice what i did there?…) In this instance I was noticing how decisions are rarely binary, even thought its in our nature to…

  • Ideation and thinkery…

    Ideation and thinkery…

    Oh, the need for a creative process in order to ideate and innovate! In my experience, people have different strengths when it comes to thinking, and without a recognition of this (and a process), one person’s sideways idea is discounted as silly, or even worse, seen as a threat. Tom Barrett’s blog entitled “The ebb and flow between…

  • Outbreak of Hope

    Outbreak of Hope

    Here’s another thought emerging from a conversation at @dotcomrades – with reference to the vote for Independence in Scotland. I’m fascinated by hope – as its relationship with strong leadership…

  • Planning Buckets for Scope

    Planning Buckets for Scope

    I created this image to go with Doug Belshaw’s blogpost on “Setting an Agile School Rhythm” …

  • Setting an Agile School Rhythm

    Setting an Agile School Rhythm

    This was very much an off-the-cuff image for @dajbelshaw’s DML post – but I’m really happy with how it turned out. I picked up on the word Rhythm and that was that…

  • Membership vs Alignment

    Membership vs Alignment

    What would a Union look like if started a new one today? Here’s a thought from a “Union MVP” conversation with @dotcomrades hosted by @mozilla.

  • Funding Form

    Funding Form

    Sadly, this tickly thought is my experience of the funding world – which I suppose is understandable – who wouldn’t want maximum bang for buck? Slow-burning ideas are hard to find funding for.

  • Open Badges – now with Endorsements

    Open Badges – now with Endorsements

    This thought was created for Doug Belshaw‘s DML blog entitled “Extending Badges“.

  • Education Technology

    Education Technology

    I love Lego, and I wonder how much it played a part in feeding my creative (and constructivist) side. Problem solving, learning to pivot and change direction, creating new worlds with others. Needless to say my kids are all over it…

  • The Fried Egg Model

    The Fried Egg Model

    I’ve been trying to help BETT think about Further Education. In trying to explain how a hybrid approach to an event could work, I inadvertently created the resemblence of a fried egg…

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