Category: #OddsAndEnds

  • London Underground

    London Underground

    The London Underground map is a design marvel. It makes your paths straight. Just looking at it lightens your load. On seeing it for the first time (as a fresh-faced 20 year-old), I thought someone had intentionally worked a bottle shape into its design (essentially the outline of the Circle line.) After attending an excellent after-hours…

  • Learning to Credential

    Learning to Credential

    Due to the nature of the system, we start with the Credential and work backwards. Ah. This is further illustrated by this graphic, highlighting the massive difference between prescriptive and descriptive pathways.

  • Catalyst of change

    Catalyst of change

    I had a very enjoyable conversation with Giles Anderton before Christmas, and this thought appeared. I see myself as a catalyst for change. But if I’m being honest, I realise that in the past I’ve been as resistant to change as the next guy – and not even for reasons I can clearly articulate. I once heard…

  • The Binary Decision

    The Binary Decision

    I’m now in the habit of carrying around a sketchbook and scribbling down a thought as it jumps around in my brain. I’ve recently noticed that being creative requires a lot of noticing (notice what i did there?…) In this instance I was noticing how decisions are rarely binary, even thought its in our nature to…

  • Hey! How’d you do that?

    Hey! How’d you do that?

    I’ve been asked many times about how I go about creating visual thinkery – so here’s a first stab at illustrating the tools I use. Even though drawing with a stylus on my iPad was my path into drawing, I prefer to use pen and paper as the fastest way to capture and develop an idea.

  • Brain bender

    Brain bender

    I’m fascinated by how the brain takes meaning from its visual sensory input. By adding highlights and shadows, suddenly drawings come alive, as the brain interprets depth and adds meaning. My 10 year-old was doing pretty well at getting this 2D->3D brain trick to work (oddly enough, someone at church had used it to talk about…

  • Fooling around at the airport

    Fooling around at the airport

    There’s always inspiration to be found – even at Heathrow’s terminal 5, which (since the day after halloween…) is featuring a festive feel. I’m not sure if this actually makes any sense about class – but I certainly had fun creating it using the new photo feature on the Paper by 53 app I regularly…

  • So… how’s it going? (growing a social business)

    So… how’s it going? (growing a social business)

    I wrote this visual poem in 2014 when the social business I had founded (wapisasa) and its vision were struggling – I had completely forgotten about it until I found it in an old sketchbook, and thought I might turn it into something to encourage others. If it resonates with you, let me know!

  • A Guide to British Weather

    A Guide to British Weather

    This is my understanding of British Weather. As an Irishman, I’m perfectly qualified to make such judgements…

  • Planning Buckets for Scope

    Planning Buckets for Scope

    I created this image to go with Doug Belshaw’s blogpost on “Setting an Agile School Rhythm” …

  • Confidence and Perspective

    Confidence and Perspective

    When we took on our first young people at wapisasa last year, I really didn’t appreciate how important self-confidence in the Rookie’s outlook and enjoyment of their job. On reflection, I see that I’m no different. A lack of confidence makes you blind to the options and opportunity that surrounds you.

  • Parenting


    Just a silly cartoon… about parenting.

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If you'd like to ask about an image, or you have a project for Visual Thinkery - please drop me a line using the form below.