Category: #fav
I really enjoyed making this visual thought, commissioned by MindshiftKQED to go with “Dyslexia and the Wider World of Creativity and Talent” by Holly Korbey. However, the bit that really buttered my parsnips (a Christmas metaphor, if you will…) was creating the Picasso image. I found that by trying to imitate his style I started to see a bit…
In my work with young people in wapisasa, I’ve realised just how important self confidence is achieving anything – and how that self confidence is grown. As such I recognise the qualities of teachers I’ve had in the past, investing in young people and creating the environment for them to thrive.
I am more than just my grades
When you hire a person what do you look for? I look for what I would call character, and a spark… Yet grades are so big that that although voices say that other qualities matter, its hard to hear them. Could Open Badges be a game changer in terms of recognising value, in all its…
Education Technology
I love Lego, and I wonder how much it played a part in feeding my creative (and constructivist) side. Problem solving, learning to pivot and change direction, creating new worlds with others. Needless to say my kids are all over it…
Standards vs Standardised
This thought tickled me – and maybe it’s a helpful way of explaining the difference between Standards (a good thing) and Standardisation (not necessarily a good thing…)
I always did well at school
A little bit tongue in cheek here, I know, but do you ever get the feeling that it’s very hard for the education system to change itself, when those who are in control of it have done well by it?
Education may be linear
The older I get, the more I am aware of the multidirectional aspects of learning. I like to explore and experiment, mashing together and looking for parallels as well as being presented with traditional paths. However, I’m offended when the traditional linear pathways are billed as the only option. This is why wapisasa was created.
Education is Changing
However, here’s a visual thought I captured from a speaker at the ALTC conference, Catherine Cronin, care of a quote by Joi Ito.
What teaching is not
This was a thought I came across whilst listening to Graham Brown-Martin’s Learning {re}visited interview with Sir Ken Robinson – who seems to talk a lot of sense.