I just want my data to mean something

Er… hello?

This is a blog of openly licensed thinkery. They are doodles, thoughts and ideas of Bryan Mathers – little curious tidbits which have emerged from juicy conversations. Also, this is a dumping ground for abandoned artwork. But one man’s dump is another’s treasure trove – amirite?

You can include artwork from this site under a Creative Commons CC-BY-ND licence.

  • Work Experience

    Work Experience

    This was a comment by Jamie Dunn which resonated with me. Surely there are better ways to give young people an experience of work?


  • Social Ties

    Social Ties

    I really enjoyed listening to George the Poet talk about social ties within the community he grew up – both good and not so good…


  • So… how’s it going? (growing a social business)

    So… how’s it going? (growing a social business)

    I wrote this visual poem in 2014 when the social business I had founded (wapisasa) and its vision were struggling – I had completely forgotten about it until I found it in an old sketchbook, and thought I might turn it into something to encourage others. If it resonates with you, let me know!


  • Lifelong learning

    Lifelong learning

    This thought came as a result of an event organised by NIACE, and was comment made by their CEO, David Hughes. I think he has a point…


  • PLNs


    I came across this thought by @tomwhitby thanks to an Aaron Davis blogpost. I found something comforting it that, possibly due to not really having a title these days…


  • Badge Taxonomy V0.2

    Badge Taxonomy V0.2

    This is version two of the Badge Taxonomy – the purpose of which is not to classify rogue badges – but to understand how badges were being used, and help think through badging solutions.


  • Outbreak of Hope

    Outbreak of Hope

    Here’s another thought emerging from a conversation at @dotcomrades – with reference to the vote for Independence in Scotland. I’m fascinated by hope – as its relationship with strong leadership…


  • We are Open!

    We are Open!

    I came this Laura Hilliger blog post, and this simple message jumped into my head…


  • A Guide to British Weather

    A Guide to British Weather

    This is my understanding of British Weather. As an Irishman, I’m perfectly qualified to make such judgements…


  • 3DCV


    I really liked this idea from the Education Design Lab blog post Are Badges College Ready?. What would a 3D CV look like? What might elevate one achievement over another? Open Badges provide the underlying mechanism, but the value of a badge depends on multiple factors.


  • CAST – Centre for the Acceleration of Social Technology

    CAST – Centre for the Acceleration of Social Technology

    I’m big fans of Kieron Kirkland and Dan Such – both ex Nominet Trust – and their desire to see the world changed. CAST is their new venture…


  • An Organic Teaching Routine

    An Organic Teaching Routine

    I met @urban_teacher recently and he asked me to apply a visual metaphor to his teaching routine. I’m not sure if the metaphor of growing stuff is the most appropriate, but it captures the essence behind the various stages of the process. Here’s a sketch of where I started: And here is the result…


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If you'd like to ask about an image, or you have a project for Visual Thinkery - please drop me a line using the form below.