Copyright vs. Creative Commons
Copyright and Creative Commons licences come from totally different directions. I was talking with Kamil from Creative Commons about certificates and knowledge, and this contrast emerged. Read his full post here…
Education is life…
This John Dewey quote caught my attention whilst trying to create a monogram for HJ DeWaard in return for supporting my Visual Stickery campaign.
What have you done?
Well, I suppose it’s not just our lot then – the times they are a changin’ and here comes a generational shift (that’s the hopeless wrenching in your stomach). Yet, surely it’s always been this way. A time for peace, a time for war. A time for truth, a time for deception bots on social…
The Open Elevator
How open is your organisation? Is it moving in the right direction? Need some help?
From hunch to policy
What would that look like if it were a badge? I’ve long since thought about a badge prototyping machine that would take a person through the process of creating the badge on the fly, and easily create a prototype. There’s a danger that we start with the policy in mind, rather that going with the…
Co-ops & Commons
One of the highlights of Mozfest this year was the privilege of being able to sit in (with my sketchbook) on a conversation between Ryan Merkley, CEO of Creative Commons, and John Bevan from the We Are Open Coop. They explored the commonalities and parallels that exist in the worlds of Co-ops and Commons.
The Bird (or is it a fox?)
An idea often develops itself – or it certainly feels that way. An idea is most vocal when you return to it. When I shared this artwork on twitter, I wondered whether it was like the blank tile in a game of Scrabble, where I get to dictate how you see it. But Amy Burvall…
…it took me a while to realise that prayer is often about perspective. The situation itself doesn’t change, but how you see it does. I don’t believe in a God that reaches out of heaven to tweak something in the space-time continuum in order just to make me more comfortable. If that were the case…
Field of view
I’m certain that I have no idea what the opportunities are that surround me. However, there are things that I can do to help those opportunities find me. But any plan I ever make is subject to change due to something happening tomorrow that I didn’t know about today. This is why a career makes…
Mozfest 2016
I’ll be up to my usual shenanigans at Mozfest this year, with my colleagues from @WeAreOpenCoop. If you’re there too, come say hello. If not, come say hello anyway…
The Gratitude Cycle
Gratitude fuels sharing. A bit of conversational thinkery for Creative Commons from this blog post by Paul Stacey.
Fruit of the Commons
Before I started drawing, I was only remotely aware of Creative Commons – if at all. I remember coming across it a few years ago. Ah! Some people have taken a complicated thing and boiled it down so that people can use my stuff in an appropriate way? For free? Creative Commons is now central to…