Category: #open

  • Web 2.0 Country

    Web 2.0 Country

    Web2.0—the web of platforms, personalization, clickbait, and filter bubbles—is the only web most students know. That web exists by extracting individuals’ data through persistent surveillance, data mining, tracking, and browser fingerprinting and then seeking new and “innovative” ways to monetize that data. As platforms and advertisers seek to perfect these strategies, colleges and universities rush…

  • The Open Web

    The Open Web

    What is the open web anyway? Maybe the contrast with the closed web is helpful: platform silos, sticky enough to ensure our dependence on them, with the primary intention of creating maximum value for their shareholders.

  • CC attribution

    CC attribution

    This thinkery about Creative Commons attribution might feel mildly annoying, but when it comes to attributing an author or creator for something you get to use for free, I think it’s worth the secret upgrade…

  • The Open Elevator

    The Open Elevator

    How open is your organisation? Is it moving in the right direction? Need some help?

  • A weblike existence

    A weblike existence

    “The web is more a social creation than a technical one. I designed it for a social effect — to help people work together — and not as a technical toy. The ultimate goal of the Web is to support and improve our weblike existence in the world.” — Tim Berners-Lee Created for “3 ways…

  • The four freedoms of free software

    The four freedoms of free software

    The four freedoms of free software – from Created for “3 ways Open Badges work like the Web” a blog post by Doug Belshaw.

  • We are Open

    We are Open

    When some ex-Mozilla collaborative ninjas (Doug, John, Laura) asked if I was interested in forming a co-operative, I had to be involved. For it allows me (Visual Thinkery) to still have autonomy as a business, but also allows me to participate in collaborative work with people who know a deeper magic. And together we are stronger;…

  • Meeting around a document

    Meeting around a document

    What’s the agenda of your meeting? Is it to say clever things – or to build clever things. If you’re serious of collaboratively building something, and want to give everyone an equitable voice, consider meeting around a document instead of a table – it’s a completely different (and more productive) experience…

  • Defender of the Commons…

    Defender of the Commons…

    I love these people – these defenders of the commons. Power to their elbows!

  • Transparent and Open

    Transparent and Open

    I’ve been thinking about Cooperative business models recently, thanks to Doug Belshaw and John Bevan. Engaging with different ideas means playing out scenarios, and like splitting light through a prism, you can’t quite imagine how it will be until you shine it through.

  • We are Open!

    We are Open!

    I came this Laura Hilliger blog post, and this simple message jumped into my head…

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