Category: #wapisasa

  • Education prised open

    Education prised open

    Recently, I was asked to speak at Coventry University’s Disruptive Media Lab Open week. Another of the speakers was Nishant Shah – a man who’s thoughts-per-minute ratio is off the scale. I only grabbed one though…

  • Education may be linear

    Education may be linear

    The older I get, the more I am aware of the multidirectional aspects of learning. I like to explore and experiment, mashing together and looking for parallels as well as being presented with traditional paths. However, I’m offended when the traditional linear pathways are billed as the only option. This is why wapisasa was created.

  • Different isn’t wrong

    Different isn’t wrong

    When I lived in East Africa, this was a mantra of a wise ex-pat I once knew. I find it surprising how aspects of other cultures can get us tied up in all sorts of knots, making us retreat to people just like us. Its easy to put up a wall and never step outside.…

  • Wapisasa – a badge-driven apprenticeship

    Wapisasa – a badge-driven apprenticeship

    Could a Rookie earn badges, as they progress through their employment at wapisasa? Could these badges that recognise Knowledge, Skills, Character contribute to a raise or a promotion? If we can badge it, we probably should…

  • Getting your idea off the ground

    Getting your idea off the ground

    This visual thought was a result of a meeting hosted by the Forward Foundation, including Nominet Trust, Big Lottery, and a number of other social funders. It was an excellent event – and I tried to capture the what all the speakers where saying in order to revisit some parts for my own non-profit, wapisasa.

  • The Goal of Education

    The Goal of Education

    This thinking was the result of a debate at The Reed School, London, hosted at the Guild hall. I came away very impressed by “whole education” principles voiced by Steve Chalk (Oasis) and Camila Batmanghelidjh (Kids Company).

  • How to Badge

    How to Badge

    This graphic was drawn around the time of the FELTAG report, to help me consider how to think through the design of a badge. Often, stepping through an approach like this will uncover flaws in the thinking…

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