Category: #assessment
Prescriptive vs Descriptive Pathways
It took me a while to come up with this pathways metaphor, following a conversation with @dajbelshaw – oddly enough the idea popped into my head right in the middle of a meeting, while talking about other stuff.
Need to know more about OpenBadges? Check out #OB101…
Qualification Sweet Spot
One thing I’ve learnt from being part of City & Guilds, is that it’s not easy getting a public funded qualification off the ground. So where’s the sweet spot for a qualification? Here’s a thought from Patrick Craven, Director of Assessment and Policy at City & Guilds. This ended up being part of the FELTAG…
Soft skills aren’t so soft
I liked this thought about "soft" skills by Beverley Oliver, at #epforall Barcelona Indeed, as Scott Wilson commented, they are hard to define, hard to acquire, hard to assess, hard to evidence – there’s very little that’s soft about them…
Why can’t we be tested on what we learn?
This comment by a student at a college was overheard by Martin King – and so well put that I had to turn it into a drawing. The whole “teaching the test” vibe I find an unpalatable one, even though it suits game-playing strategic thinkers like me. I believe it ruins learning.
What makes good evidence?
I’ve learnt a lot about what makes good evidence from talking with people at City & Guilds (who are a knowledgeable lot). This drawing came out of a conversation with Patrick Craven, head of assessment.I’ve learnt a lot about what makes good evidence from talking with people at City & Guilds (who are a knowledgeable…
The Misleading Tower of PISA
I created this image for Pasi Sahlberg relating to their article in the Washington Post debating the need for PISA – the academic global league table. Read More
Standards vs Standardised
This thought tickled me – and maybe it’s a helpful way of explaining the difference between Standards (a good thing) and Standardisation (not necessarily a good thing…)
Formative vs Summative
Steve Wheeler wrote a blogpost a while back and this phase about Formative and Summative assessment caught my eye. It’s been very widely shared since.
Assessment & Pedagogy
Here’s a thought from Bob Harrison, of FELTAG fame. I think its a good one.
Whilst at BETT this year, I got the opportunity to hear Sir Ken Robinson speak. Here’s one of his off-the-cuff comments about PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) that stuck in my head…
What if assessment was designed around me?
This image was produced for Education Technology Action Group ETAG report ( and shared at the BETT show in London.