Category: #TOLC

  • Recognition of a small step

    Recognition of a small step

    If we change our outlook from long journeys to small steps how do that effect the landscape of learning that unfolds before us?

  • Open Badges

    Open Badges

    I cant remember where I came across the Maynard Keynes quote, but I immediately thought of the disruption of Education by Open Badge technologies. I was also struck by Bernard Bull’s parallel with the disruption of the Energy market.

  • Oerrrrrrr…


    Cable Green of Creative Commons talked us through the 5 R’s of OER at OER15.

  • League tables

    League tables

    Well, you’re probably not surprised to hear that I’m not a fan of league tables. I don’t think it drives the right behaviour from schools.

  • I always did well at school

    I always did well at school

    A little bit tongue in cheek here, I know, but do you ever get the feeling that it’s very hard for the education system to change itself, when those who are in control of it have done well by it?

  • Getting your idea off the ground

    Getting your idea off the ground

    I spoke recently at the ALT conference, where the theme was “riding the wave of innovation” – I always like to explore a visual metaphor…

  • Formative vs Summative

    Formative vs Summative

    Steve Wheeler wrote a blogpost a while back and this phase about Formative and Summative assessment caught my eye. It’s been very widely shared since.

  • Celebrate your Milestones

    Celebrate your Milestones

    This thought was created as part of a collaboration between Doug Belshaw and myself. If you haven’t already its worth having a look at Doug’s “Community Alignment Model” – something Doug’s a bit of a master at…

  • BBC Badges

    BBC Badges

    This flow was created for Ralph Rivera at the BBC to illustrate how badges could be used to recognise Knowledge, Competence & Character. I’ve always thought the BBC could be an interesting issuer of badges – though I’m possible influenced by the Blue Peter badges…

  • Assessment & Pedagogy

    Assessment & Pedagogy

    Here’s a thought from Bob Harrison, of FELTAG fame. I think its a good one.

  • Credential Monopoly

    Credential Monopoly

    We’ll it’s alright for me. When I was your age, Higher Education was free. And they gave out grants for living costs. Still, if you’re privileged you’ll probably be ok…

  • PISA…


    Whilst at BETT this year, I got the opportunity to hear Sir Ken Robinson speak. Here’s one of his off-the-cuff comments about PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) that stuck in my head…

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