Breaking down the problem

Breaking down the problem

A few months ago, I had the pleasure of working through new Gallery features to the Fabulous Remixer Machine with my 10-year-old. It was so invaluable: having a child ask you straightforward questions about the problem, and the solution you’re proposing helps you to see things that otherwise you might have missed. We drew out visual plans on A3 paper while keeping a landscape of user stories in our focus, then went back through to decide which parts would form our minimum lovable product (MLP). When it came to estimating when we would be finished our development (there was a certain amount of excitement in seeing our plans take shape), my son was surprised when I suggested it would take a month. He thought it would take three. Sure enough, three months later I was deploying the new features to the live server…

This Thinkery was captured live during a series of workshops by We Are Open, for Catalyst.

Breaking down the problem

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