Tag: Paulo Freire

  • We make this road by walking

    We make this road by walking

    Catherine Cronin put me on to the book “We make the road by walking” by Paulo Freire and Miles Horton. And when Catherine puts you on to a book, you’d better read it…

  • The Radical

    The Radical

    Speak out. Listen. A radical must do both… I was first introduced to Paulo Freire by my wife, who asked me to create some illustrations for her PGCE presentation. It influenced what I now call conversational thinkery – articulating something with a person’s bias thrown in, giving you clues as to what the articulation might look like.…

  • Radical Pedagogy

    Radical Pedagogy

    My wife is my signpost – for some things, anyway. She reads faster than me and tells me of books that I might like. I have but one requirement: at the end of the book, I want to be able to say “I’ve never read anything like that before”. As a result, I’ve been enjoying…

  • Subject – Verb – Object

    Subject – Verb – Object

    As a kid in a classroom, I didn’t question it. I took what was laid before me, in the environment in which it was given. I was taught. I found it difficult to ask questions, as it revealed a lack of knowledge or understanding. The game was one of “how much do you know?“, maintaining…

  • Monologue and Dialogue

    Monologue and Dialogue

    The lecture. At home, at school, and at church. I’ve had so many, but can recall very few… The group. At home, at school, and at church. Articulating something half-baked, in order to put it back in the oven and turn up the heat…

  • Bank of Education

    Bank of Education

    In the olden days, knowledge existed hidden away in pockets, which was fine if you knew which pocket and had the means to access it. However, one must not treat an encyclopaedia like wikipedia, for they offer two subtly different entry-points to learning: interest-led vs prescribed.

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