Tag: @jimgroom



    Doug Belshaw was the first to enlighten me on this self publishing principle, and encourage me to set up my own site, and publish out from there. Every drawing should have it’s own canonical link he’d say. Unambiguous words, and I’m glad I listened. This rang true again when working with Jim Groom and Reclaim Hosting on…

  • A personal API

    A personal API

    So in the middle of reading Jim Groom’s post on The LMS is dead, and getting my head around next generational digital wonderment, I found myself jumping into Kin Lane’s post on the Personal API. As a programmer, I’m aware of what an API is and how it works, that it becomes a fundamental part…

  • Building a Learning spaceship…

    Building a Learning spaceship…

    Lego is an interesting metaphor to choose for a next gen learning environment. Let’s build a spaceship! If only it were that easy. If only it was clear what construction was actually needed. In my experience of building platforms, it’s rarely clear. Competing voices, with competing features. But apologies, here I am talking platform once more. Jim Groom’s…

  • OER16 – Open…

    OER16 – Open…

    What a distraction twitter is – especially if it means drawing something. I’ll see something on twitter, have a thought, and before I know it, I’m trying to create that thought. I came across Jim Groom tweeting the title for his keynote at OER16, and I couldn’t resist. I highly recommend tuning in…

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