the long burn

The long burn

A cracker of an idea. A business idea. I should start a business with this idea right now. Figure it out in my spare time and then just set it up…

For me, startup never happens like this.

It starts with a hunch, a curiosity, almost an irritation. So much uncertainty. So many unknowns. It’s half-baked plan hinges on finding good people and figuring out how to keep them.

There’s a model that’s often peddled – multiple rounds of external funding with the hook of the big exit that’ll make everyone rich. And it makes sense – if you’re an investor. But I’m not comfortable with it, for every external investment is a big chain pulling you away from the “why” of your business. I don’t start businesses to make money. I start businesses to change the world or at least a few people’s world…

It’s a long burn.

The long burn

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