I just want my data to mean something

Er… hello?

This is a blog of openly licensed thinkery. They are doodles, thoughts and ideas of Bryan Mathers – little curious tidbits which have emerged from juicy conversations. Also, this is a dumping ground for abandoned artwork. But one man’s dump is another’s treasure trove – amirite?

You can include artwork from this site under a Creative Commons CC-BY-ND licence.

  • Education – a thought by a bright spark

    Education – a thought by a bright spark

    This image originally credited the statement to W.B.Yeats – although as it turns out (thanks to @edutopia) it’s more likely to have come from Plutarch…


  • Beerd


    A silly thought breeds a silly image…


  • Students and Teachers learn through doing

    Students and Teachers learn through doing

    I met @urban_teacher at Mozfest a couple of years ago, and following a recent conversation (always inspirational…), thought that this thought deserved to be brought to life. For what its worth, I enjoy learning by doing, which usually involves making plenty of mistakes along the way.


  • A bluffers guide to openbadges

    A bluffers guide to openbadges

    So what are openbadges? Well, I’m glad you asked – they may well be the technology that helps to de-centralise the education system…


  • The Badge and the Blockchain

    The Badge and the Blockchain

    Here’s a visual thought inspired by Doug Belshaw’s blog for DML – “Peering deep into Future of Educational Credentialling”. The fairly abstract idea of a blockchain is one that demanded to be visualised so as to be more understandable – especially with regard to what it could mean for Open Badges.


  • What’s a badge really worth?

    What’s a badge really worth?

    I do a lot of thinking about Open Badges. So I asked myself, what is the value of a badge? Even though the value may have different objective ingredients, the subjective perception of the viewer overrides them all. Value is in the eye of the beholder…


  • The Goal of Education

    The Goal of Education

    This thinking was the result of a debate at The Reed School, London, hosted at the Guild hall. I came away very impressed by “whole education” principles voiced by Steve Chalk (Oasis) and Camila Batmanghelidjh (Kids Company).


  • This Machine…

    This Machine…

    I had the pleasure of meeting Audrey Watters in Barcelona recently. This laptop sticker was a side thought from Audrey in the conversation with some other lovely people (Jim Groom, Doug Belshaw, Martin Weller and Sheila MacNeill) that I had to create as an image. If you want to turn it into a real laptop…


  • How to Badge

    How to Badge

    This graphic was drawn around the time of the FELTAG report, to help me consider how to think through the design of a badge. Often, stepping through an approach like this will uncover flaws in the thinking…


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If you'd like to ask about an image, or you have a project for Visual Thinkery - please drop me a line using the form below.