I just want my data to mean something

Er… hello?

This is a blog of openly licensed thinkery. They are doodles, thoughts and ideas of Bryan Mathers – little curious tidbits which have emerged from juicy conversations. Also, this is a dumping ground for abandoned artwork. But one man’s dump is another’s treasure trove – amirite?

You can include artwork from this site under a Creative Commons CC-BY-ND licence.

  • What’s the big idea?

    What’s the big idea?

    Mr Rocketship-of-an-idea. What’s not to like?


  • What makes good evidence?

    What makes good evidence?

    I’ve learnt a lot about what makes good evidence from talking with people at City & Guilds (who are a knowledgeable lot). This drawing came out of a conversation with Patrick Craven, head of assessment.I’ve learnt a lot about what makes good evidence from talking with people at City & Guilds (who are a knowledgeable…


  • We teach Maths like a dead language

    We teach Maths like a dead language

    I’ve come across too many people who shudder at the thought of maths. The damage has already been done. To contrast, at my school I had a Maths teacher who was so passionate about Maths, we all got A’s. This thought came from an interview of Conrad Wolfram by Graham Brown-Martin in his most excellent…


  • We amuse young people

    We amuse young people

    Yep – I think we probably do. This thought came from a Nesta Young Digital Maker session with Debbie Forster from Apps4Good.


  • Use your Loaf

    Use your Loaf

    I’ve no idea what I’m trying to say here – I just like the phrase. It’s one my dad would have used…


  • The War on Unliteracy

    The War on Unliteracy

    I listened to a politican declaring war on innumeracy and illiteracy. It sounds all aggressive, but what does it actually mean? The next week it was mediocrity. Whatever next…


  • The Thinkathon

    The Thinkathon

    One of our sweet spots at wapisasa is the Thinkathon. We facilitate a (fairly intensive) thinking session with you (the client) in order to discover the purpose, message and ideas surrounding the things you’re trying to create. A lot of brain juice required – but ultimately very rewarding.


  • The Skills Gap

    The Skills Gap

    The UK has a growing skills gap. There are predicted to be over 14 million skills shortages by 2020. Created for City & Guilds.


  • The Misleading Tower of PISA

    The Misleading Tower of PISA

    I created this image for Pasi Sahlberg relating to their article in the Washington Post debating the need for PISA – the academic global league table. Read More


  • The Fried Egg Model

    The Fried Egg Model

    I’ve been trying to help BETT think about Further Education. In trying to explain how a hybrid approach to an event could work, I inadvertently created the resemblence of a fried egg…


  • Standards vs Standardised

    Standards vs Standardised

    This thought tickled me – and maybe it’s a helpful way of explaining the difference between Standards (a good thing) and Standardisation (not necessarily a good thing…)


  • A visit to the Tate Modern

    A visit to the Tate Modern

    A visit to the Tate Modern, and I can’t help but draw some pleasing orange blobs…


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If you'd like to ask about an image, or you have a project for Visual Thinkery - please drop me a line using the form below.