The Badge Cycle
This is a generic version of the badge cycle visual thought I created for the BBC. In it I’m trying to bring to life the process of earning and issuing badges. It was included as part of the FELTAG report.
In my work with young people in wapisasa, I’ve realised just how important self confidence is achieving anything – and how that self confidence is grown. As such I recognise the qualities of teachers I’ve had in the past, investing in young people and creating the environment for them to thrive.
A certificate is just an offline badge
When thinking about Open Badges, its easy to get stuck on the paper certificate paradigm and think about why an Open Badge isn’t that. Here’s is a thought from Chris Kirk and Doug Belshaw, emanating from an excellent dinner conversation, which looks at a certificate from the perspective of a badge.
edTech innovation
I’ve got a few tech products off the ground in my time, and I’m still not sure how it happens. I did this thinking for the FELTAG report, looking at how the customer, the builders and the backers all need to play their part in the innovation.
Qualification Sweet Spot
One thing I’ve learnt from being part of City & Guilds, is that it’s not easy getting a public funded qualification off the ground. So where’s the sweet spot for a qualification? Here’s a thought from Patrick Craven, Director of Assessment and Policy at City & Guilds. This ended up being part of the FELTAG…
Eyes wide open
This piece of thinkery was created in collaboration with Doug Belshaw for FE Week – there’s something about how an eye looks and the inner meaning attached to it that is hardwired in our inner machine – its hard to hold its gaze. “The eye is the lamp of the soul”…
Higher Education
This thought made me giggle – and that’s OK – even if it’s a bit of a #dadjoke.
Soft skills aren’t so soft
I liked this thought about "soft" skills by Beverley Oliver, at #epforall Barcelona Indeed, as Scott Wilson commented, they are hard to define, hard to acquire, hard to assess, hard to evidence – there’s very little that’s soft about them…
The T-shaped Student
I met some excellent people from JISC at the EPIC conference in Barcelona (2015). Simon Whittemore discussed using Open Badges to help create and recognise “T-shaped” students. I really like the thought of a broad compliment of skills and attitudes across a number of domains, coupled with an expertise and competence in one particular domain.
Membership vs Alignment
What would a Union look like if started a new one today? Here’s a thought from a “Union MVP” conversation with @dotcomrades hosted by @mozilla.
Funding Form
Sadly, this tickly thought is my experience of the funding world – which I suppose is understandable – who wouldn’t want maximum bang for buck? Slow-burning ideas are hard to find funding for.
Levelling the Playing Field
This is a thought inspired by the Open Badges conference organised by @szerge in Barcelona recently. I am increasingly aware of how privileged I am, and how easy it is to accept the state of the playing field as just “how it is” as opposed to questioning it’s unfairness, and doing something about it. An…