I just want my data to mean something

Er… hello?

This is a blog of openly licensed thinkery. They are doodles, thoughts and ideas of Bryan Mathers – little curious tidbits which have emerged from juicy conversations. Also, this is a dumping ground for abandoned artwork. But one man’s dump is another’s treasure trove – amirite?

You can include artwork from this site under a Creative Commons CC-BY-ND licence.

  • That creative commons feeling…

    That creative commons feeling…

    People sharing insights from their sweet-spots of expertise wrapped in Creative Commons licensing shared socially — surely that would be beneficial for all of us? It certainly feels great!


  • Adopt Technology in Education?

    Adopt Technology in Education?

    Is it really a choice? I don’t think so. How you adopt technology in education? Well, that’s quite another thing…


  • TIDE at 50

    TIDE at 50

    A beach is a place of wonder – I’m never happier than when on a beach. An endless supply of creative materials, with a landscape that continually changes. Task #1 – let’s find out what the tide is doing, and how fast it’s doing it… If you haven’t come across the TIDE podcast, it’s well…


  • Remix


    We are nodes on a network. We’re influenced by others. We, in turn, can influence others. Our creations contain flavours and mixes of whatever has gone before, for who bakes a cake without any ingredients?


  • Participatory Culture

    Participatory Culture

    I zoomed in to Catherine Cronin’s talk on “If open is the answer, what is the question?” at the recent OER16 conference in Edinburgh, Scotland. This thought resonated with me, as it’s something I’ve learning in my journey with Visual Thinkery: our contibutions matter. With a sideways glance at school, I think there’s a massive difference between…


  • Kids don’t need SATs

    Kids don’t need SATs

    Have you ever heard anyone say “I’m no good at maths” ? Do you ever stop to wonder where they picked that up from? An exam? Or an adult’s opinion off the back of an test? We talk about maths as if it’s some sort of binary – either you’re good at it or you’re…


  • Work culture

    Work culture

    A business starts with a culture of one. Every person that joins adds to that culture. Their values, their humour, their work ethic. Every decision, communication, action sets a precedent. Culture can take years to build, but days to damage. A organisation is it’s people – so which part do you play? (Inspired by “The Open Organization”…


  • Notice and wonder

    Notice and wonder

    Wondering, always wondering. The more I wonder, the more I notice. The more I notice, the more I wonder…


  • An umbrella of experiments

    An umbrella of experiments

    A friend challenged me this week on where my newsletter was going. Admittedly, I have no idea. It was meant to be an experiment, though — an umbrella for experiments, if you will…


  • Conversational Thinkery

    Conversational Thinkery

    One of the areas I really enjoy is what I call Conversational Thinkery. Listening to a podcast, or being part of a conversation, and drawing what appears in my head. This thinkery was from a podcast conversation featuring Amy Burvall on the Creative Process.


  • Mr Unlucky

    Mr Unlucky

    I absolutely love this. The handy work of my 11-year-old…


  • Avocado


    Ask your eyes to notice. What’s the light doing? Why is it doing that? Highlights, lowlights, shadow. Sometimes a drawing just works. This avocado was triggered from a comment by Laura Hilliger. In Kiswahili, it’s a parachichi or even sometimes embe ya mafuta (literally: oily mango…).


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If you'd like to ask about an image, or you have a project for Visual Thinkery - please drop me a line using the form below.