I just want my data to mean something

Er… hello?

This is a blog of openly licensed thinkery. They are doodles, thoughts and ideas of Bryan Mathers – little curious tidbits which have emerged from juicy conversations. Also, this is a dumping ground for abandoned artwork. But one man’s dump is another’s treasure trove – amirite?

You can include artwork from this site under a Creative Commons CC-BY-ND licence.

  • The trio of entitled tossers

    The trio of entitled tossers

    Much to my disappointment, it looks like this book is set to be written after all.  


  • A weblike existence

    A weblike existence

    “The web is more a social creation than a technical one. I designed it for a social effect — to help people work together — and not as a technical toy. The ultimate goal of the Web is to support and improve our weblike existence in the world.” — Tim Berners-Lee Created for “3 ways…


  • The four freedoms of free software

    The four freedoms of free software

    The four freedoms of free software – from GNU.org Created for “3 ways Open Badges work like the Web” a blog post by Doug Belshaw.


  • Living


    This is a short visual poem to myself…


  • Brexit Graph of Trust

    Brexit Graph of Trust

    Sorry to get all political on you, but seriously, those guys? They’re not campaigning for the UK to leave the EU because it’ll be good for you. They’re campaigning to leave the EU because it’ll be good for them. <sigh>


  • Properties of Open Badges

    Properties of Open Badges

    What distinguishes Open Badges from other types of badges? Did I mention that they’re open, so you can take them with you? This graphic was created for the City & Guilds Group, as part of the comms for their recent acquisition of DigitalMe and Makewaves. A clever move I say…


  • A fishy business model…

    A fishy business model…

    The next time you bump into Graham Brown-Martin, ask him to tell you about what’s happening in Africa with regard to commercially-focused education interests. He’s got some fairly shocking insights to what’s going on and why… The boardroom purpose of an organisation fundamentally dictates what that organisation does and the compromises it will be willing to…


  • We are Open

    We are Open

    When some ex-Mozilla collaborative ninjas (Doug, John, Laura) asked if I was interested in forming a co-operative, I had to be involved. For it allows me (Visual Thinkery) to still have autonomy as a business, but also allows me to participate in collaborative work with people who know a deeper magic. And together we are stronger;…


  • Meeting around a document

    Meeting around a document

    What’s the agenda of your meeting? Is it to say clever things – or to build clever things. If you’re serious of collaboratively building something, and want to give everyone an equitable voice, consider meeting around a document instead of a table – it’s a completely different (and more productive) experience…


  • Social Purpose

    Social Purpose

    With the genesis of the Wapisasa concept in my head, I was keen to use a different model. A people-first model. A social business. I wanted to pin the social purpose to our foreheads, so that profit never became our top priority. I wanted to run Wapisasa as a business, but never wanted to lose…


  • Mocial skills…

    Mocial skills…

    Sheesh! Is there anything more annoying than someone who doesn’t know how to turn off the clicky noise their phone makes as they type? I sound like my parents. In fact, if they were still around, they’d probably be committing this crime like the best of them…


  • Silo


    I caught Brian Lamb talking about learning platform silos at this Disruptive Media Learning Lab event recently. It’s time to reclaim your domain…


Send a Message
If you'd like to ask about an image, or you have a project for Visual Thinkery - please drop me a line using the form below.