iPhone X
I am supposed to care about this stuff right? That’s the deal with the big reveal…
Everyone deserves to be able to re-invent themselves; to decide the person they want to be, and become it; to transition from one life chapter to another. No wonder artists in the past have spent so much time creating self-portraits, for how can you reinvent something that you can’t see, or don’t understand?
Beyond the Islands of Innovation
I managed to catch the first day of the ALT conference in Liverpool, and thoroughly enjoyed catching up with some of the open crew, and meeting some new faces. Some of my earliest thinkery dates back to altc conferences, like this and this. Good people…
Openness and Higher Ed.
This thought is by Martin Weller, via the opening keynote by Bonnie Stewart at the recent ALT conference, entitled The new norm(al): Confronting what Open means for H.E.
The LMS…
…there’s not much enlightenment at the end of this tunnel. Inspired by This is not the online learning you (or we) are looking for by Alan Levine.
The unbundling of Higher Ed
From the opening keynote by Bonnie Stewart at the recent ALT conference, entitled The new norm(al): Confronting what Open means for H.E.
How do you read it? From the opening keynote by Bonnie Stewart at the recent ALT conference, entitled The new norm(al): Confronting what Open means for H.E.
Being outrageously tall, I know what it’s like to live in a world designed for the normal – and it’s quite literally a headache… From the opening keynote by Bonnie Stewart at the recent ALT conference, entitled The new norm(al): Confronting what Open means for H.E.
What Open means for H.E.
I thoroughly enjoyed the opening keynote by Bonnie Stewart at the recent ALT conference, entitled The new norm(al): Confronting what Open means for H.E. Here’s my sketchnote.
Open Badges from Dialogue
It’s one thing to decide how to badge a group of people on your own terms. It’s quite another to catch potential badges as they appear like apparitions out of dialogue with the people. What is that? … and what would it look like? This thinkery is from the We Are Open Co-op meetup.
Computing Badges
Desired Experience: Swift Or Objective C, JavaScript, Cordova, Angular… I’ve always thought that one of the most obvious areas ripe for micro-credentials is Computing skills. It’s a pretty fresh sector, so school credentials are miles behind. However, the speed at which it’s changing also lends itself to recognising small chunks of competency. Most skills in…
Learned Behaviour
The path to learning is paved with good behaviours. It can also be a pretty lucrative path, for some… From Speak & Spell: A History by Audrey Watters.