Category: #learning
The Skills Gap
The UK has a growing skills gap. There are predicted to be over 14 million skills shortages by 2020. Created for City & Guilds.
The Misleading Tower of PISA
I created this image for Pasi Sahlberg relating to their article in the Washington Post debating the need for PISA – the academic global league table. Read More
Standards vs Standardised
This thought tickled me – and maybe it’s a helpful way of explaining the difference between Standards (a good thing) and Standardisation (not necessarily a good thing…)
Smart kids go to Uni
Really? Maybe its just privilege, environment, and the ability to conform and perform within the system.
Cable Green of Creative Commons talked us through the 5 R’s of OER at OER15.
League tables
Well, you’re probably not surprised to hear that I’m not a fan of league tables. I don’t think it drives the right behaviour from schools.
I always did well at school
A little bit tongue in cheek here, I know, but do you ever get the feeling that it’s very hard for the education system to change itself, when those who are in control of it have done well by it?
Formative vs Summative
Steve Wheeler wrote a blogpost a while back and this phase about Formative and Summative assessment caught my eye. It’s been very widely shared since.
Education prised open
Recently, I was asked to speak at Coventry University’s Disruptive Media Lab Open week. Another of the speakers was Nishant Shah – a man who’s thoughts-per-minute ratio is off the scale. I only grabbed one though…
Education may be linear
The older I get, the more I am aware of the multidirectional aspects of learning. I like to explore and experiment, mashing together and looking for parallels as well as being presented with traditional paths. However, I’m offended when the traditional linear pathways are billed as the only option. This is why wapisasa was created.
Commoditised Learning
What if Amazon did learning? Or at least the Amazon prediction engine. Might a system be able to suggest items of learning based on what others did at a similar point? This thought was picked up later for the FELTAG report.
BBC Badges
This flow was created for Ralph Rivera at the BBC to illustrate how badges could be used to recognise Knowledge, Competence & Character. I’ve always thought the BBC could be an interesting issuer of badges – though I’m possible influenced by the Blue Peter badges…