Category: #edchat
Education Technology
I love Lego, and I wonder how much it played a part in feeding my creative (and constructivist) side. Problem solving, learning to pivot and change direction, creating new worlds with others. Needless to say my kids are all over it…
Verbal Sunshine
Isn’t it though? I need all the encouragement I can get – so it only makes sense that I should be generous with it too…
Why I love my MOOC
The last MOOC I completed (the science of everyday thinking, University of Queensland) was one of the best learning experiences I have ever had. Arguably, its the first course I have done solely for the learning as opposed to the credential…
Why can’t we be tested on what we learn?
This comment by a student at a college was overheard by Martin King – and so well put that I had to turn it into a drawing. The whole “teaching the test” vibe I find an unpalatable one, even though it suits game-playing strategic thinkers like me. I believe it ruins learning.
What makes good evidence?
I’ve learnt a lot about what makes good evidence from talking with people at City & Guilds (who are a knowledgeable lot). This drawing came out of a conversation with Patrick Craven, head of assessment.I’ve learnt a lot about what makes good evidence from talking with people at City & Guilds (who are a knowledgeable…
We teach Maths like a dead language
I’ve come across too many people who shudder at the thought of maths. The damage has already been done. To contrast, at my school I had a Maths teacher who was so passionate about Maths, we all got A’s. This thought came from an interview of Conrad Wolfram by Graham Brown-Martin in his most excellent…
We amuse young people
Yep – I think we probably do. This thought came from a Nesta Young Digital Maker session with Debbie Forster from Apps4Good.
The Skills Gap
The UK has a growing skills gap. There are predicted to be over 14 million skills shortages by 2020. Created for City & Guilds.
Standards vs Standardised
This thought tickled me – and maybe it’s a helpful way of explaining the difference between Standards (a good thing) and Standardisation (not necessarily a good thing…)
Smart kids go to Uni
Really? Maybe its just privilege, environment, and the ability to conform and perform within the system.
Cable Green of Creative Commons talked us through the 5 R’s of OER at OER15.
League tables
Well, you’re probably not surprised to hear that I’m not a fan of league tables. I don’t think it drives the right behaviour from schools.