Category: #TOLC

  • Planning Buckets for Scope

    Planning Buckets for Scope

    I created this image to go with Doug Belshaw’s blogpost on “Setting an Agile School Rhythm” …

  • Assessment System Design

    Assessment System Design

    How do you design an Assessment System? Patrick Craven from City & Guilds says that credibility is formed of three key aspects: Validity, Reliability and Viability…

  • Invest in Teachers

    Invest in Teachers

    I really enjoyed listening to Andreas Schleicher, Director of Education at the OECD. I worry about how the stats that OECD produce can become canon fodder for politicians – but Andreas speaks very well on the conclusions that can be drawn from the data, and those that can’t. He spoke about how different countries choose…

  • TechBac


    I really enjoy trying to find visual metaphors for abstract concepts. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, its a bridge of course – to a profession. TechBac…

  • #OB101


    Need to know more about OpenBadges? Check out #OB101…

  • What is a Learning Technologist

    What is a Learning Technologist

    I’m sure there are many ways to define a learning technologist, but I liked this thought originating from a comment by Stephan at #efair2015…

  • Adaptability


    This thought on adaptability was part of a collaborative article with Doug Belshaw written for FE Week, exploring the components of being able to adapt to the changing landscape of Further Education.

  • A certificate is just an offline badge

    A certificate is just an offline badge

    When thinking about Open Badges, its easy to get stuck on the paper certificate paradigm and think about why an Open Badge isn’t that. Here’s is a thought from Chris Kirk and Doug Belshaw, emanating from an excellent dinner conversation, which looks at a certificate from the perspective of a badge.

  • Soft skills aren’t so soft

    Soft skills aren’t so soft

    I liked this thought about "soft" skills by Beverley Oliver, at #epforall Barcelona Indeed, as Scott Wilson commented, they are hard to define, hard to acquire, hard to assess, hard to evidence – there’s very little that’s soft about them…

  • Levelling the Playing Field

    Levelling the Playing Field

    This is a thought inspired by the Open Badges conference organised by @szerge in Barcelona recently. I am increasingly aware of how privileged I am, and how easy it is to accept the state of the playing field as just “how it is” as opposed to questioning it’s unfairness, and doing something about it. An…

  • Social Fabric

    Social Fabric

    Here’s a thought from a conversation with @szerge at the EPIC conference in Barcelona. The underlying message points to the network of trust relationships that exist in a badging ecosystem, and how each assertion forms a relationship between two or more people or bodies. These relationships weave together to form a social fabric. I’m not…

  • Awesome Awards

    Awesome Awards

    Some very wise words from Charles Kennedy that I came across the day he died. In the last couple of years I’ve been amazed at how much pointless Education System tinkering goes on by politicians with a certain view of how education should be.

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