Category: #stickers

  • Marmalabels


    My eldest son is at it again. This time it’s funky labels for his mother’s freshly made Orange Marmalade. We keep this stuff in our cellar, so when we send one of the minions down for another jar (height restrictions mean it’s a yogic experience for the taller man…) there’s a collective marvelling at the…

  • Fresh Hope

    Fresh Hope

    I belong to a community church – and last weekend we gathered up our families and spent a retreat in a woodland adventure centre outside London. There was fresh hope, so I took some. It tasted good.

  • Data: it’s personal

    Data: it’s personal

    Meaningless, meaningless, all is meaningless! It’s just 1’s and 0’s after all… Unless, that is, I can get some insight from your habits, or predict what you might do (or want) next. You are part of a herd after all… This thought came from a thinkery conversation with the API Evangelist, Kin Lane.  

  • Building a Learning spaceship…

    Building a Learning spaceship…

    Lego is an interesting metaphor to choose for a next gen learning environment. Let’s build a spaceship! If only it were that easy. If only it was clear what construction was actually needed. In my experience of building platforms, it’s rarely clear. Competing voices, with competing features. But apologies, here I am talking platform once more. Jim Groom’s…



    I’ve had a few blog posts fly past my nose on twitter recently. So I thought I’d take a day, do some reading and then draw whatever appeared in my head… Next Generation Digital Learning Environment – a LEGO approach… From this report by educause.

  • Co-ops: Spread the word…

    Co-ops: Spread the word…

    I really enjoy being in a Co-op (, especially when we get together to make something, or think about something. As a result, I’m really keen to spread the word…

  • This Machine…

    This Machine…

    I had the pleasure of meeting Audrey Watters in Barcelona recently. This laptop sticker was a side thought from Audrey in the conversation with some other lovely people (Jim Groom, Doug Belshaw, Martin Weller and Sheila MacNeill) that I had to create as an image. If you want to turn it into a real laptop…

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