Learning - to what end?

Learning – to what end?

“Dad? What does this spell? F-L-A-P-P-E-R?”

My 5 year old is an engineer in the making. He has a book of how to make a whole array of paper planes. And so he starts his self-crafted apprenticeship.

“Dad? Can you help me with step 10?”
But this is the Expert Section.
“Can you just do it?”

A few weeks later, our house is full of paper planes. He has started to teach other kids. Some of the designs, he has modified to fly better (well, why wouldn’t he?). I just try to help out and follow orders. I can see his reading improving. He reads to decode the steps. I’m certain his maths and spatial intelligence has too. He creates, and enjoys his creation.

This is productive learning. I wish I’d figured this out earlier…

Learning – to what end?

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