Tag: @willrich45

  • Creating the conditions for learning

    Creating the conditions for learning

    I was struck by a comment by Will Richardson on twitter this morning, about creating the conditions for learning.

  • Any questions?

    Any questions?

    I’d never really thought about it before, but at school I never asked any questions – I didn’t want to expose the fact I didn’t know something…

  • A teacher’s mission

    A teacher’s mission

    This Will Richardson talk really resonated with me. He quotes Dewey. You should really watch it.

  • Learning – to what end?

    Learning – to what end?

    “Dad? What does this spell? F-L-A-P-P-E-R?” My 5 year old is an engineer in the making. He has a book of how to make a whole array of paper planes. And so he starts his self-crafted apprenticeship. “Dad? Can you help me with step 10?” But this is the Expert Section. “Can you just do it?”…

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