Tag: @WholeEducation

  • Maths & English

    Maths & English

    This thought came out of the table discussion amongst Primary and Secondary teachers. Other subjects deemed less important than Maths & English are being squeezed (and in some cases squeezed out) of the learning landscape.

  • Feedback…


    This thought was mentioned a couple of times. The context of course, was how teachers could provide quick and positive feedback on students work. A subtext to this thought was also provided by a student at the Maker’s Academy – where they review the curriculum every month, depending on both student and employer feedback –…

  • Education is what builds community

    Education is what builds community

    This was a thought from James Townsend, who works for the Church of England, about just how important education is to the whole community.

  • Death of the Saturday Job

    Death of the Saturday Job

    What did you learn from your Saturday Job? I used to pick potatoes for my uncle – which taught me some valuable things about work (and how to throw a potato…)

  • School and Work

    School and Work

    Following some table discussions, this thought emerged about the gap between school and work – and how learning and earning should ideally overlap.

  • Work Experience

    Work Experience

    This was a comment by Jamie Dunn which resonated with me. Surely there are better ways to give young people an experience of work?

  • Social Ties

    Social Ties

    I really enjoyed listening to George the Poet talk about social ties within the community he grew up – both good and not so good…

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