Tag: @GrahamBM

  • Now, more than ever…

    Now, more than ever…

    Grammar Schools. You’ve heard it all before. Policy and evidence – passing like ships in the night. I can’t quite figure out whether the UK government are actually serious, or it’s simply just a commotion smokescreen… This bottom line vision came from a thinkery conversation I had a while back with Graham Brown-Martin.

  • A fishy business model…

    A fishy business model…

    The next time you bump into Graham Brown-Martin, ask him to tell you about what’s happening in Africa with regard to commercially-focused education interests. He’s got some fairly shocking insights to what’s going on and why… The boardroom purpose of an organisation fundamentally dictates what that organisation does and the compromises it will be willing to…

  • We teach Maths like a dead language

    We teach Maths like a dead language

    I’ve come across too many people who shudder at the thought of maths. The damage has already been done. To contrast, at my school I had a Maths teacher who was so passionate about Maths, we all got A’s. This thought came from an interview of Conrad Wolfram by Graham Brown-Martin in his most excellent…

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