Tag: @brlamb

  • Algorithmic secret sauce

    Algorithmic secret sauce

    “the promise of NGDLE remains fuzzy and inchoate to most of us, a dream of algorithmic secret sauce that will rescue us in the near future if we trust in the industry to provide.” From Interventions by Brian Lamb.

  • Web 2.0 Country

    Web 2.0 Country

    Web2.0—the web of platforms, personalization, clickbait, and filter bubbles—is the only web most students know. That web exists by extracting individuals’ data through persistent surveillance, data mining, tracking, and browser fingerprinting and then seeking new and “innovative” ways to monetize that data. As platforms and advertisers seek to perfect these strategies, colleges and universities rush…

  • Building a Learning spaceship…

    Building a Learning spaceship…

    Lego is an interesting metaphor to choose for a next gen learning environment. Let’s build a spaceship! If only it were that easy. If only it was clear what construction was actually needed. In my experience of building platforms, it’s rarely clear. Competing voices, with competing features. But apologies, here I am talking platform once more. Jim Groom’s…

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