Tag: @bevangelist

  • Co-ops & Commons

    Co-ops & Commons

    One of the highlights of Mozfest this year was the privilege of being able to sit in (with my sketchbook) on a conversation between Ryan Merkley, CEO of Creative Commons, and John Bevan from the We Are Open Coop. They explored the commonalities and parallels that exist in the worlds of Co-ops and Commons.

  • Transparent and Open

    Transparent and Open

    I’ve been thinking about Cooperative business models recently, thanks to Doug Belshaw and John Bevan. Engaging with different ideas means playing out scenarios, and like splitting light through a prism, you can’t quite imagine how it will be until you shine it through.

  • The Pi-clopedia

    The Pi-clopedia

    I don’t know about you but I’ve been tinkering in my man-shed. Curiosity-driven, soldering iron out, YouTube at the ready. The spirit of McGyver runs deep through my veins, and given enough time there is nothing I cannot make. The Raspberry Pi? It’s a thing of beauty. Now then what shall I make it do?…

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