Tag: @amyburvall

  • Ama-Zine Prompts

    Ama-Zine Prompts

    Amy Burvall and myself thoroughly enjoyed delivering a hands-on Zine-making workshop at OER19 in Galway earlier this month. It was so good to be back in the motherland. But the trouble with a workshop of this nature is that most people are a little uncomfortable when faced with a blank piece of paper. So, in our…

  • Problematic Portraits

    Problematic Portraits

    It seems that practically the whole of the known internet (more than 5 people) is busy doodling portraits of Colin Madland, who has very graciously offered up his face to artists for the purposes of visual experimentation, and thus inspired this comic strip. I try to stay away from portraits, as it has often led…

  • Creative Constraints

    Creative Constraints

    One of my favourite classical works is Franz Liszt’s piano remix of Beethoven’s nine symphonies (here’s Gould playing No 6). He filters what what was created for an orchestra, squeezes it for two hands and one instrument. For me, it created a bridge to access and appreciate the original; a way in… Black pen on white paper.…

  • Conversational Thinkery

    Conversational Thinkery

    One of the areas I really enjoy is what I call Conversational Thinkery. Listening to a podcast, or being part of a conversation, and drawing what appears in my head. This thinkery was from a podcast conversation featuring Amy Burvall on the Creative Process.

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