Planning Buckets for Scope
I created this image to go with Doug Belshaw’s blogpost on “Setting an Agile School Rhythm” …
Know – Do – Reflect
Doug Belshaw suggested we take a Know – Do – Reflect approach in the building of an Open Badges 101 course, which triggered this geeky coding thought 🙂
Confidence and Perspective
When we took on our first young people at wapisasa last year, I really didn’t appreciate how important self-confidence in the Rookie’s outlook and enjoyment of their job. On reflection, I see that I’m no different. A lack of confidence makes you blind to the options and opportunity that surrounds you.
Assessment System Design
How do you design an Assessment System? Patrick Craven from City & Guilds says that credibility is formed of three key aspects: Validity, Reliability and Viability…
Invest in Teachers
I really enjoyed listening to Andreas Schleicher, Director of Education at the OECD. I worry about how the stats that OECD produce can become canon fodder for politicians – but Andreas speaks very well on the conclusions that can be drawn from the data, and those that can’t. He spoke about how different countries choose…
I really enjoy trying to find visual metaphors for abstract concepts. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, its a bridge of course – to a profession. TechBac…
Prescriptive vs Descriptive Pathways
It took me a while to come up with this pathways metaphor, following a conversation with @dajbelshaw – oddly enough the idea popped into my head right in the middle of a meeting, while talking about other stuff.
Need to know more about OpenBadges? Check out #OB101…
Setting an Agile School Rhythm
This was very much an off-the-cuff image for @dajbelshaw’s DML post – but I’m really happy with how it turned out. I picked up on the word Rhythm and that was that…
Just a silly cartoon… about parenting.
What is a Learning Technologist
I’m sure there are many ways to define a learning technologist, but I liked this thought originating from a comment by Stephan at #efair2015…
This thought on adaptability was part of a collaborative article with Doug Belshaw written for FE Week, exploring the components of being able to adapt to the changing landscape of Further Education.