Mocial skills…
Sheesh! Is there anything more annoying than someone who doesn’t know how to turn off the clicky noise their phone makes as they type? I sound like my parents. In fact, if they were still around, they’d probably be committing this crime like the best of them…
I caught Brian Lamb talking about learning platform silos at this Disruptive Media Learning Lab event recently. It’s time to reclaim your domain…
The Hunch
How little we know of the opportunities life has ahead of us. I often follow my hunch – that warm fuzzy feeling compelling me to go in a particular direction. I need to know some stuff – but not too much – otherwise I’d talk myself out of it. Who knows where it might lead?
Real IQ…
IQ – a measure of smartness? Or just one form of smartness? What does smart even mean? Here’s a thought from this blog post by Scott Barry Kaufman which is worth a read.
“I don’t know if I even believe in innovation”. The words escaped my mouth at an event I was speaking at. We were talking about innovative uses of technology in Further Education. It seems to me that innovation is only innovation in hindsight: “Wow! That thing we made was really innovative.” Even though, at the…
Different isn’t wrong
When I lived in Tanzania, I had to keep reminding myself of this. So much of what felt wrong was simply cultural. This mantra probably features highly in “how to achieve stuff with a bunch of people who aren’t like you”, if someone would actually take the trouble to write it… Pretty simple — but ultimately liberating,…
Pull yourself together
In the last couple of years I’ve increasingly reflected on my own mental health, and those of the people I work with. I’ve realised how little I know. So when I stumbled across this blog post by Julia Skinner, this thought jumped out of the page…
Open Badges – can you take them with you?
How do we capture a richer picture of our skills and abilities, so that you can take them with you on your next journey? Open Badges may have the answer. For a collaborative community-built resource, check out the all new Badge Wiki. Why not jump in and add your badge related stuff to the wiki?
An oppressive education
To love learning. Is this not the very purpose of life? But this is the stuff you need to know — just get on with knowing it. My worry is that the purpose of our current system is not to engender a love of learning (and the enjoyment of the hard work that it requires) — but the gaining…
Blowing up the SATS
Revolution doesn’t happen until the middle-classes are revolting on Minecraft… This thinkery was conceived of and constructed by my 11yo during our day of striking against the SATS.
Cool beans
Cool beans! Sunny Lee said it – so I had to draw it…
The wall
The wall is high, but it’s constructed by our own selves. To be good at anything requires practice. We all know this – or do we? Hold out your hands and give someone a foot up, so at least they can catch a glimpse of what’s on the other side…