I just want my data to mean something

Er… hello?

This is a blog of openly licensed thinkery. They are doodles, thoughts and ideas of Bryan Mathers – little curious tidbits which have emerged from juicy conversations. Also, this is a dumping ground for abandoned artwork. But one man’s dump is another’s treasure trove – amirite?

You can include artwork from this site under a Creative Commons CC-BY-ND licence.

  • Mocial skills…

    Mocial skills…

    Sheesh! Is there anything more annoying than someone who doesn’t know how to turn off the clicky noise their phone makes as they type? I sound like my parents. In fact, if they were still around, they’d probably be committing this crime like the best of them…


  • Silo


    I caught Brian Lamb talking about learning platform silos at this Disruptive Media Learning Lab event recently. It’s time to reclaim your domain…


  • The Hunch

    The Hunch

    How little we know of the opportunities life has ahead of us. I often follow my hunch – that warm fuzzy feeling compelling me to go in a particular direction. I need to know some stuff – but not too much – otherwise I’d talk myself out of it. Who knows where it might lead?


  • Real IQ…

    Real IQ…

    IQ – a measure of smartness? Or just one form of smartness? What does smart even mean? Here’s a thought from this blog post by Scott Barry Kaufman which is worth a read.


  • Innovation


    “I don’t know if I even believe in innovation”. The words escaped my mouth at an event I was speaking at. We were talking about innovative uses of technology in Further Education. It seems to me that innovation is only innovation in hindsight: “Wow! That thing we made was really innovative.” Even though, at the…


  • Different isn’t wrong

    Different isn’t wrong

    When I lived in Tanzania, I had to keep reminding myself of this. So much of what felt wrong was simply cultural. This mantra probably features highly in “how to achieve stuff with a bunch of people who aren’t like you”, if someone would actually take the trouble to write it… Pretty simple — but ultimately liberating,…


  • Pull yourself together

    Pull yourself together

    In the last couple of years I’ve increasingly reflected on my own mental health, and those of the people I work with. I’ve realised how little I know. So when I stumbled across this blog post by Julia Skinner, this thought jumped out of the page…


  • Open Badges – can you take them with you?

    Open Badges – can you take them with you?

    How do we capture a richer picture of our skills and abilities, so that you can take them with you on your next journey? Open Badges may have the answer. For a collaborative community-built resource, check out the all new Badge Wiki. Why not jump in and add your badge related stuff to the wiki?


  • An oppressive education

    An oppressive education

    To love learning. Is this not the very purpose of life? But this is the stuff you need to know — just get on with knowing it. My worry is that the purpose of our current system is not to engender a love of learning (and the enjoyment of the hard work that it requires) — but the gaining…


  • Blowing up the SATS

    Blowing up the SATS

    Revolution doesn’t happen until the middle-classes are revolting on Minecraft… This thinkery was conceived of and constructed by my 11yo during our day of striking against the SATS.


  • Cool beans

    Cool beans

    Cool beans! Sunny Lee said it – so I had to draw it…  


  • The wall

    The wall

    The wall is high, but it’s constructed by our own selves. To be good at anything requires practice. We all know this – or do we? Hold out your hands and give someone a foot up, so at least they can catch a glimpse of what’s on the other side…


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If you'd like to ask about an image, or you have a project for Visual Thinkery - please drop me a line using the form below.