I just want my data to mean something

Er… hello?

This is a blog of openly licensed thinkery. They are doodles, thoughts and ideas of Bryan Mathers – little curious tidbits which have emerged from juicy conversations. Also, this is a dumping ground for abandoned artwork. But one man’s dump is another’s treasure trove – amirite?

You can include artwork from this site under a Creative Commons CC-BY-ND licence.

  • Issuing Open Badges

    Issuing Open Badges

    What gives an open badge value? Well, apart from the fact that value is a conversation between two parties, I reckon there are a few interesting ingredients – not least the parties involved in the issuing of the badge itself. This thought was created as part of a blog post by Doug Belshaw: Badges, Proof…


  • The Radical

    The Radical

    Speak out. Listen. A radical must do both… I was first introduced to Paulo Freire by my wife, who asked me to create some illustrations for her PGCE presentation. It influenced what I now call conversational thinkery – articulating something with a person’s bias thrown in, giving you clues as to what the articulation might look like.…


  • The Recursive Spiral

    The Recursive Spiral

    …following a conversation with writer Ruth Culham about the relationship between formative assessment and instructional decisions— and the learning that takes place during the process.


  • Keeping badges weird

    Keeping badges weird

    This thought, born in a session at Mozfest, where Mark Surman related back to the kookiness of the origins of Open Badges. As micro-credentials become more mainstream, and the standard itself evolves (the proposed V2 has a number of big improvements from V1.1) the stuff that will stretch the development of the standard and the…


  • The Elephant in the Classroom…

    The Elephant in the Classroom…

    I have to say – I hadn’t even thought about this. As an adult I’m very aware of what light (and indeed soul-destroying fluorescent light) can do to creativity and productivity. I hadn’t thought about CO2. I saw a prototype of the Learnometer by Stephen Heppell at the BETT show last year – worth bearing in…


  • Stickerful People

    Stickerful People

    What’s the collective noun for doodles? An infusion? A gung-ho of doodlewry? I thought so. One of the highlights of the recent stickery campaign was trawling through some supporters social profiles and turning them into a doodle. Each was like a puzzle – with some easier to figure out than others. Needless to say, I…


  • My Workspace

    My Workspace

    Whilst slacking in the Creative Commons Slack channel, a few people were sharing their remote working setups (or for distributed organisations, their normal working setup). So I thought I’d create a quick sketch of mine. On reflection, I seem to have acquired a few boards: White, Chopping and Dart. The Chopping board has been one…


  • Introducing Badge News

    Introducing Badge News

    If you’re interested in Open Badges, you’ve probably asked the question well who’s using them? The team at We Are Open, lead by Doug Belshaw have assembled a number of interested parties, and put together an awesome fortnightly newsletter for just this reason. Sign up here: badge.news


  • Post hoc ergo propter hoc

    Post hoc ergo propter hoc

    Once introduced to some amateur psychology, there’s no turning back. We seem to be wired to draw causative connections between events, but this shortcut is easier said than spotted. Post hoc ergo propter hoc is Latin-ish for “After this, therefore because of this” and forms the basis of all superstition. For a better explanation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post_hoc_ergo_propter_hoc


  • Changing your mind – Ten Learnings

    Changing your mind – Ten Learnings

    I recieve Maria Popova’s Brain Pickings by email as I’m sure many of you do, and I’m often drawn in by both the imagery and insight she shares in and around other creatives. A couple of months ago, I came across her Ten Learnings from Ten Years, which I thought immediately demanded to be brought…


  • Who draws the line?

    Who draws the line?

    Some days, it’s just not happening. So I remind myself of the process. 1. Go to trello. 2. Organise the things 3. Start at the top – half an hour later I’ve fallen down a twitter shaped rabbit hole…


  • Future kinds of work

    Future kinds of work

    How I work has changed massively over the past ten years. Okay, so now I draw pictures, whereas I used to write programs – or lead others to write programs. Probably the biggest change I’ve had is being exposed to Mozilla’s way of working. They corale creative communities using some very clever practices and technologies. And…


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If you'd like to ask about an image, or you have a project for Visual Thinkery - please drop me a line using the form below.