Category: #learning

  • Creative Commons – which role do you play?

    Creative Commons – which role do you play?

    In my experience, the awareness of what exactly the Creative Commons is, and what rights it affords you with respect to other people’s creative works, is at best patchy. During a conversational thinkery session with Alan Levine, we started to think through some of the roles people can play. I could give examples of all…

  • Now, more than ever…

    Now, more than ever…

    Grammar Schools. You’ve heard it all before. Policy and evidence – passing like ships in the night. I can’t quite figure out whether the UK government are actually serious, or it’s simply just a commotion smokescreen… This bottom line vision came from a thinkery conversation I had a while back with Graham Brown-Martin.

  • Any questions?

    Any questions?

    I’d never really thought about it before, but at school I never asked any questions – I didn’t want to expose the fact I didn’t know something…

  • Wot we need is more grammar schools

    Wot we need is more grammar schools

    With all the backward-ness around the teaching of grammar at primary school (talk to any primary school teacher, and you’ll see what I mean), and the announcement by the UK Prime Minister that we need more Grammar schools, I had to create this. I’d love to see educators in charge of UK education. I’m not…

  • Why digital credentials?

    Why digital credentials?

    In my opinion, interviews are a very poor way of judging whether someone will perform well in a job. Some people have figured out the game – how to interview well. And why not? But standing in the shoes of as employer, I want to employ the person who’ll do the best job (and even that’s…

  • Chicken and Egg…

    Chicken and Egg…

    I couldn’t make it to ISTE 2016, so instead I joined Doug Belshaw, Noah Geisel and Ian O’Byrne remotely for some off-the-cuff thinkery on Open Badges. Rich dialogue is where the ideas are waiting to be unearthed…

  • Badge Pathways

    Badge Pathways

    Here’s some thinking on using visual metaphors for badge pathways as a result of some remote workshop thinkery at ISTE.

  • Living


    This is a short visual poem to myself…

  • Properties of Open Badges

    Properties of Open Badges

    What distinguishes Open Badges from other types of badges? Did I mention that they’re open, so you can take them with you? This graphic was created for the City & Guilds Group, as part of the comms for their recent acquisition of DigitalMe and Makewaves. A clever move I say…

  • A fishy business model…

    A fishy business model…

    The next time you bump into Graham Brown-Martin, ask him to tell you about what’s happening in Africa with regard to commercially-focused education interests. He’s got some fairly shocking insights to what’s going on and why… The boardroom purpose of an organisation fundamentally dictates what that organisation does and the compromises it will be willing to…

  • Silo


    I caught Brian Lamb talking about learning platform silos at this Disruptive Media Learning Lab event recently. It’s time to reclaim your domain…

  • The Hunch

    The Hunch

    How little we know of the opportunities life has ahead of us. I often follow my hunch – that warm fuzzy feeling compelling me to go in a particular direction. I need to know some stuff – but not too much – otherwise I’d talk myself out of it. Who knows where it might lead?

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