Category: #gathering
Reinventing yourself…
A thought captured from the Connected Courses project ( following a comment from Meredith Broussard – which struck a chord with me…
What teaching is not
This was a thought I came across whilst listening to Graham Brown-Martin’s Learning {re}visited interview with Sir Ken Robinson – who seems to talk a lot of sense.
Online learning is an entitlement
This image was produced for Education Technology Action Group ETAG report ( and shared at the BETT show in London.
What if assessment was designed around me?
This image was produced for Education Technology Action Group ETAG report ( and shared at the BETT show in London.
Education – a thought by a bright spark
This image originally credited the statement to W.B.Yeats – although as it turns out (thanks to @edutopia) it’s more likely to have come from Plutarch…
Students and Teachers learn through doing
I met @urban_teacher at Mozfest a couple of years ago, and following a recent conversation (always inspirational…), thought that this thought deserved to be brought to life. For what its worth, I enjoy learning by doing, which usually involves making plenty of mistakes along the way.
How to Badge
This graphic was drawn around the time of the FELTAG report, to help me consider how to think through the design of a badge. Often, stepping through an approach like this will uncover flaws in the thinking…