Category: #edtech

  • More power to your elbow

    More power to your elbow

    This visual badge was created so that I could throw it at people in order to encourage them…

  • BBC Badges

    BBC Badges

    This flow was created for Ralph Rivera at the BBC to illustrate how badges could be used to recognise Knowledge, Competence & Character. I’ve always thought the BBC could be an interesting issuer of badges – though I’m possible influenced by the Blue Peter badges…

  • The Digital Skills Sandwich

    The Digital Skills Sandwich

    The Digital Skills Sandwich illustrates how a fluid de-centralised community approach to badging could fit between the underlying Mozilla web literacy map and an overlying recognition element, in this case a vocational qualification such as an apprenticeship.

  • Wapisasa – a badge-driven apprenticeship

    Wapisasa – a badge-driven apprenticeship

    Could a Rookie earn badges, as they progress through their employment at wapisasa? Could these badges that recognise Knowledge, Skills, Character contribute to a raise or a promotion? If we can badge it, we probably should…

  • A bluffers guide to openbadges

    A bluffers guide to openbadges

    So what are openbadges? Well, I’m glad you asked – they may well be the technology that helps to de-centralise the education system…

  • How to Badge

    How to Badge

    This graphic was drawn around the time of the FELTAG report, to help me consider how to think through the design of a badge. Often, stepping through an approach like this will uncover flaws in the thinking…

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