Category: #climatechange

  • We really did this…

    We really did this…

    I really enjoyed tuning into David Benjamin Blower‘s climate crisis lament as he meandered his way through his set in a friend’s lounge – beautiful, melancholy, folkish; I’ve never heard anything quite like it. It’s the first time I’ve listened to a musical journey, and I was again struck by how I listen differently with…

  • Thoughtful, committed citizens

    Thoughtful, committed citizens

    “We’re too young to have a vote, so the government doesn’t care about us. We’re too young to buy loads of stuff, so the companies don’t care about us. But we’re the ones that are going to have to deal with Climate Change.” To all those who struck school to protest the lack of action…

  • Demonising the binaries

    Demonising the binaries

    When I was growing up, eggs were good for you. Then they weren’t. Then they were good again. Then just the egg white was good. Binaries are so often unhelpful – especially when they are just a shortcut for not having to use your own brain. This is also the case in environmental activism, as…

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