Why digital credentials?

Why digital credentials?

In my opinion, interviews are a very poor way of judging whether someone will perform well in a job. Some people have figured out the game – how to interview well. And why not? But standing in the shoes of as employer, I want to employ the person who’ll do the best job (and even that’s not so straightforward to define).

I once employed a young person on his ability to solve a Rubik’s cube. There were other factors too of course, but I took his Rubik’s cube abilities as clues to various aspects of his character, as I can also solve a Rubik’s cube – but nowhere near as fast as him. However, this is exactly the sort of thing that you would never emerge in an interview.

So when it comes to digital credentials, who knows what value someone else see in them?

Thought: Kerry North, O2ThinkBig at DigitalMe’s BadgeSkills workshop.

Why digital credentials?

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