You don't know what you don't know
In any problem space, there’s the stuff you know you know (I know the parts we need to make this work). Then there’s the stuff you know you don’t know (hey – let’s find out about that and work it into our plans before we start building!). But the reason why a tech project is usually overtime and overbudget is because there’s always stuff you don’t know you don’t know (cough, be more agile!, cough). The truth is, I barely know what I do know half the time, never mind the stuff I don’t…
This Thinkery was captured live during a series of workshops by We Are Open, for Catalyst.
I’ve really enjoyed capturing keynotes and conversations live. It involves being playfully curious about what’s…
Back in the old days of social media, h/t was a thing. (I remember having…
I think in the early days of thinking about open credentialing, I got fixated on…
I was listening to a politics podcast at the beginning of last week (weren't we…