

If you're anywhere near the land of EdTech, then it's worth reading this piece on Edtech Agitprop by Audrey Watters…

5 years ago

Is technology addictive?

It feels like I'm missing something. I wonder if there's a record-setting sporting contest I need to witness. Um... nope. I wonder…

7 years ago

Learned Behaviour

The path to learning is paved with good behaviours. It can also be a pretty lucrative path, for some... From Speak…

7 years ago

Machine Learning

I often listen to podcasts when I'm drawing something. However, recently I tuned into Audrey Watters and Kin Lane's Contrafabulists…

8 years ago

This Machine…

I had the pleasure of meeting Audrey Watters in Barcelona recently. This laptop sticker was a side thought from Audrey…

11 years ago