
Genius Hour

Genius hour - for exploring your own passions in the classroom. If it were me, I'd be inventing crazy stuff. Find…

8 years ago

How do you want to be?

Done. Done and done. Now doesn't that feel good? It was only when I first worked in Tanzania that I…

8 years ago

Help someone find their Genius

If you'd have asked me 3 years ago if I could draw. I would have told you that I couldn't.…

8 years ago


A while ago, Angela Maiers asked me if I would tune my visual brain into her most recent work, Liberating…

8 years ago

You have a gift…

Here's another thought from Angela Maiers' "You Matter Manifesto". In my experience of working with young people, I've been amazed…

9 years ago

Your actions define your impact

I came across Angela Maiers' "You Matter Manifesto" and this is the first think that jumped into my head -…

9 years ago