
Open willy-nilly

Here's a quote from an excellent session by Mia Zamora and Alan Levine at OER18 that stuck in my head...

7 years ago

Openness and Higher Ed.

This thought is by Martin Weller, via the opening keynote by Bonnie Stewart at the recent ALT conference, entitled The new norm(al): Confronting what Open means…

7 years ago

What Open means for H.E.

I thoroughly enjoyed the opening keynote by Bonnie Stewart at the recent ALT conference, entitled The new norm(al): Confronting what Open…

7 years ago

Web 2.0 Country

Web2.0—the web of platforms, personalization, clickbait, and filter bubbles—is the only web most students know. That web exists by extracting…

7 years ago

The Open Web

What is the open web anyway? Maybe the contrast with the closed web is helpful: platform silos, sticky enough to…

8 years ago

CC attribution

This thinkery about Creative Commons attribution might feel mildly annoying, but when it comes to attributing an author or creator…

8 years ago

The Open Elevator

How open is your organisation? Is it moving in the right direction? Need some help?

8 years ago

A weblike existence

“The web is more a social creation than a technical one. I designed it for a social effect — to…

9 years ago

The four freedoms of free software

The four freedoms of free software - from GNU.org Created for "3 ways Open Badges work like the Web" a…

9 years ago

We are Open

When some ex-Mozilla collaborative ninjas (Doug, John, Laura) asked if I was interested in forming a co-operative, I had to…

9 years ago