This thought is by Martin Weller, via the opening keynote by Bonnie Stewart at the recent ALT conference, entitled The new norm(al): Confronting what Open means…
I thoroughly enjoyed the opening keynote by Bonnie Stewart at the recent ALT conference, entitled The new norm(al): Confronting what Open…
Web2.0—the web of platforms, personalization, clickbait, and filter bubbles—is the only web most students know. That web exists by extracting…
What is the open web anyway? Maybe the contrast with the closed web is helpful: platform silos, sticky enough to…
This thinkery about Creative Commons attribution might feel mildly annoying, but when it comes to attributing an author or creator…
How open is your organisation? Is it moving in the right direction? Need some help?
“The web is more a social creation than a technical one. I designed it for a social effect — to…
The four freedoms of free software - from Created for "3 ways Open Badges work like the Web" a…
When some ex-Mozilla collaborative ninjas (Doug, John, Laura) asked if I was interested in forming a co-operative, I had to…
What's the agenda of your meeting? Is it to say clever things - or to build clever things. If you're…