
Rabbit Hole Learning

"As it turns out, the answer is not that simple. You see, Sir Professor Isaac of Newton was so clever,…

5 years ago

Ama-Zine Prompts

Amy Burvall and myself thoroughly enjoyed delivering a hands-on Zine-making workshop at OER19 in Galway earlier this month. It was so…

6 years ago

Smiley Card

It's become a bit of a tradition in our house to make each other cards for our birthdays. The Paper53…

7 years ago

Shed – ideas worth making…

And so it was that we chanced upon the very spirit of makery captured forever in this conversation...

7 years ago

The Principles of Makery

As I thought about the making process behind my Raspberry Pi being installed as protector of my shed from overheating, I…

7 years ago

Raspberry Pi – protector of the shed…

SOMEONE left the heater on in my shed. You can read all about it here in the most recent dollop…

7 years ago

Don’t touch the wire

I'm helping to run the code club at my kids primary school. Kids being kids, and adults being bombarded with…

8 years ago

An engineering state of mind

When I was at University, the word "engineer" had some odd connotations in my head. Geeky, sterile, boring. It seemed…

9 years ago